Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Future Shock and Awe

Howdy Comrades!

The Inauguration of our first Afro American President has left me in a state of "future shock" and awe.  My childhood was spent in the 1960's, in Mobile Alabama, ground zero for some of the vilest kinds of discrimination and racism.  Like many older blacks I know, we never thought we'd live to see the day.  President Obama has now been in office for a week, and he's tried to win Republican support for the economic rescue package, only to be totally rejected by them.  Democrats will pass the legislation anyway, but I don't understand how Republicans can continue to espouse Bush economics after the peeps rejected it last November.  We can't fart around any longer about a stimulus package.  As I predicted in Blind Confidential many moons ago, "the country is going to hell in a hand basket at about warp nine."  We have to back the President or face total economic ruin.  I will finish two projects later this week and plan more blog activity once I've cleared the decks!


Chairman Mal

Power to the Peeps!

Friday, January 02, 2009

No Trial for Chairman Mal!

Howdy Comrades!

I wish each of you a Happy New Year and best wishes for 2009.  I want to thank those of you who sent advice and information about my plan to enroll in a clinical trial to discover if any experimental therapy might help with the disturbing visual patterns I see in my central visual field.  R Frank suggested I avoid the genetic therapy because he predicted I would merely grow a third eye in the middle of my forehead, a remote possibility, but one that did result in several vivid nightmares.  Markee said the stem cell therapy would probably result in my soul going to hell, but Comrade Randy stated that should not be an issue because I am going to hell anyway! 

The issue is moot at this point because I was turned down for the clinical trial I found most promising, replacing damaged areas of my retinaes with stem cells combined with human growth factors.  Because of my thyroid, I was considered as "high Risk" unless a biopsy reveals no cancer.  I may apply again once the situation is resolved, assuming the nodules prove benign.

Again, thanks for your encouragement.  I will blog about more pleasant topics soon, but I felt a need to provide readers with the latest news about my ongoing eye trouble.


Chairman Mal

Power to the Peepers!