My title reflects a perception that Thanksgiving, as well as the
Chairman Mal
Power to the Peeps!
You have found a portal into an alternative universe where blindness is commonplace, where the blind rule, enjoy full employment and universal access to technology. Readers are invited to speculate about what this world could be like. Chairman Mal will offer insights about blindness and issue pronouncements concerning what blind people in our universe should do to achieve true equality within sighted society.
My title reflects a perception that Thanksgiving, as well as the
Chairman Mal
Power to the Peeps!
Howdy Comrades!
Once again, we have won a battle in our war to achieve equality! Thanks for helping with your phone calls and email.
Hartle, Jesse [mailto:JHartle@NFB.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 3:38 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Legislative Alert HR 4137 Update
Fellow Federationists:
I want to thank you all for your hard work in telling members of the House Education and Labor Committee about the concerns of the Blind relating to Section
766A of HR-4137. Because of your hard work and many, many phone calls, a Manager’s amendment has been included to strengthen the consumer participation
of the Commission designed to study the problem of inaccessible materials in Higher Education, and to direct the Commission to develop a program that will
solve this problem. This language was adopted by the Education and Labor Committee yesterday. The National Federation of the Blind is now fully supportive
of Section 766A as established by the Manager’s amendment.
Blind students in Institutions of Higher Education must have access to textbooks in the format of their choosing at the same time materials are made available
to their sighted peers. This legislation will put us on the path to achieving this important goal.
It is very important that we make follow-up phone calls to members of the Education and Labor Committee and thank them for passing an improved version of
Section 766A. We should also contact Congressman Grijalva’s, Miller’s, and Petri’s offices. These members worked hard to get this language into the Manager’s
amendment, and their staff members should know that the National Federation of the Blind appreciates their work. I have included contact information for
these staff members below. I think email will be the best way to reach them.
We will continue to update you all on the latest information relating to this legislation as it moves towards a Conference Committee. Thank you all once
Congressman Grijalva
Alethea Scally
Congressman Petri
Tom Culligan
Chairman Miller
Sharon Lewis
--Of course, we must remain vigilant in order to get this legislation to final passage.
Chairman Mal
Power to the Peeps!
Howdy Comrades!
This is an urgent matter we must act on today! Our effort to provide blind college students with access to electronic copies of textbooks is in jeopardy. Below is the information you need to hehlp blind college students immediately.
Hartle, Jesse [mailto:JHartle@NFB.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 1:00 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Urgent-Action Needed by 6 PM Today Regarding Accessible Textbooks
Importance: High
Fellow Federationists:
We have an urgent need to defeat language proposed for a bill that goes to mark up Wednesday, November 14, 2007. The language is Section 766A in H.R. 4137.
On Monday, November 5, 2007, we received proposed bill language for a Commission designed to study issues concerning the accessibility of textbooks in higher
Education, and also charged with developing a model project that would be designed to support systems that were currently in place. We expressed concerns
relating to the composition of the Commission. First problem: The membership as described by the legislation involved minimal input from consumers, while
being more favorable to the publishing community. Second problem: The pilot program is scheduled to last a minimum of one year longer than the Commission,
and, worse yet, could extend longer than one year if the Secretary of Education chooses to extend the pilot program. This language, if included in the
bill, would continue to delay access to information for blind students in institutions of Higher Education, possibly for years to come.
We submitted revised language to the Committee asking that a majority of the Commission be composed of individuals with print disabilities. We told them
that if the Commission was not consumer-driven, then little significance would come from this legislation. We also urged the Committee to strengthen the
purpose of the Commission, from merely studying the problem, to developing legislation to be enacted by Congress. When bill H.R. 4137 was introduced,
however, we learned that none of our suggested changes to improve this legislation for blind people were included.
This bill is scheduled to be marked up tomorrow, Wednesday, November 14, 2007 so you need to call immediately.
We need you to make two calls:
1. Call Chairman George Miller’s office at (202) 225-2095. He is the Chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor. Tell him that section
766A will not help blind college students and urge him to have it removed.
2. If your Representative is on the below list of Education and Labor Committee members, you need to call him or her. Tell your representative that
section 766A will not help blind college students and urge him or her to vote to have it removed.
I have included a list of the members of the House Education and Labor Committee below with their phone numbers. You can also be connected with Congressional
offices by calling the Capitol switchboard at (202) 225-3121. Please find your state in the lists below and call now, then get your neighbors to call.
Ask relatives and friends who live in other states to make these calls as well.
Thank you all very much for your help on this urgent matter. If you have any questions, please call me at (410) 659-9314, extension 2233, or e-mail me
House Committee on Education and Labor
Full Committee
Rep. George Miller (D CA–7), Chair
Majority (27 D):
Rep. George Miller (D CA–7) 202-225-2095
Rep. Dale E. Kildee (D MI–5) 202-225-3611
Rep. Donald M. Payne (D NJ–10) 202-225-3436
Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D NJ–1) 202-225-6501
Rep. Robert C. Scott (D VA–3) 202-225-8351
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D CA–6) 202-225-5161
Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (D TX–15) 202-225-2531
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D NY–4) 202-225-5516
Rep. John F. Tierney (D MA–6) 202-225-8020
Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D OH–10) 202-225-5871
Rep. David Wu (D OR–1) 202-225-0855
Rep. Rush Holt (D NJ–12) 202-225-5801
Rep. Susan Davis (D CA–53) 202-225-2040
Rep. Danny K. Davis (D IL–7) 202-225-5006
Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D AZ–7) 202-225-2435
Rep. Timothy H. Bishop (D NY–1) 202-225-3826
Rep. Linda Sánchez (D CA–39) 202-225-6676
Rep. John P. Sarbanes (D MD–3) 202-225-4016
Rep. Joe Sestak (D PA–7) 202-225-2011
Rep. Dave Loebsack (D IA–2) 202-225-6576
Rep. Mazie K. Hirono (D HI–2) 202-225-4906
Rep. Jason Altmire (D PA–4) 202-225-2565
Rep. John Yarmuth (D KY–3) 202-225-5401
Rep. Phil Hare (D IL–17) 202-225-5905
Rep. Yvette Clarke (D NY–11) 202-225-6231
Rep. Joe Courtney (D CT–2) 202-225-2076
Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D NH–1) 202-225-5456
Minority (22 R):
Rep. Howard P. Buck McKeon (R CA–25) 202-225-1956
Rep. Thomas E. Petri (R WI–6) 202-225-2476
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R MI–2) 202-225-4401
Rep. Michael N. Castle (R DE–At Large) 202-225-4165
Rep. Mark Souder (R IN–3) 202-225-4436
Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers (R MI–3) 202-225-3831
Rep. Judy Biggert (R IL–13) 202-225-3515
Rep. Todd Russell Platts (R PA–19) 202-225-5836
Rep. Ric Keller (R FL–8) 202-225-2176
Rep. Joe Wilson (R SC–2) 202-225-2452
Rep. John Kline (R MN–2) 202-225-2271
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R WA–5) 202-225-2006
Rep. Kenny Marchant (R TX–24) 202-225-6605
Rep. Tom Price (R GA–6) 202-225-4501
Res. Comm. Luis G. Fortuño (R ) 202-225-2615
Rep. Charles Boustany Jr. (R LA–7) 202-225-2031
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R NC–5) 202-225-2071
Rep. Randy Kuhl (R NY–29) 202-225-3161
Rep. Rob Bishop (R UT–1) 202-225-0453
Rep. David Davis (R TN–1) 202-225-6356
Rep. Tim Walberg (R MI–7) 202-225-6276
Rep. Dean Heller (R NV–2) 202-225-6155
Question: “How do you eat an elephant?”
Answer: “One bite at a time.”
--A little philosophy from Dr. Kenneth Jernigan
--Comrades, I have made several calls and urge you to follow suit. Never mind about the elephant: Just pick up the phone right now!
Chairman Mal
Power to the Peeps!
Howdy Comrades!
Here’s what I wrote to
On behalf of blind people who insist on inclusion with respect to the Internet. I have also posted this message to the Blind Access Journal Discussion Group. I could be mistaken, but I believe that the so-called “instant petition” offered by Go Petition is associated with Yahoo. The Blind Access Journal has a CAPTCHA free petition for those of us who are tired of being excluded by Yahoo. I will have more to say about the corrupt folks running Yahoo in a future post.
Hello Petition Help,
I am a blind human rights activist who has been trying to help to Free human rights activist chen-guangcheng. Because I use a screen reader to access your petition, I am unable to participate because signing your petition requires entering the characters in your CAPTCHA. Be advised that screen readers cannot read these CAPTCHA's, excluding an entire class of people who want to help. Your petition should have
An option to use an audio CAPTCHA or a way to get assistance without the discriminatory use of a CAPTCHA. Please advise me and other blind activists on
how we can participate effectively with this cause. Many blind people would be eager to sign a CAPTCHA free petition to help chen-guangcheng.
Thank you for helping with this important issue.
PS: For members of the Blind Access Group, here is the link to this petition:
Copy the following code to your site:
<a href="
I will apprise readers of the Little Red Book of any response from the Go Petition folks.
Chairman Mal
Power to the Peeps!
Howdy Accessibility Comrades!
I’m so mad I could fight a circle saw, as we say here in
Chairman Mal
Power to the Peeps!