Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Belated Valentine to Metro Staff

Attention Comrades!

I just attempted to leave the following comment on the Cap Metro Blog.  To put it in perspective, the last post is about no snarky comments being made about some stupid contest Metro ran for Valentines Day.  Are people actually getting paid to come up with this kind of time wasting nonsense?  I guess the idea is a product of Metro's much vaunted PR department.  Note to the peeps:  Here's a more productive use of staff time and money.  I doubt I was actually able to post this on the Metro blog because of a crappy audio CAPTCHA, something the Access committee warned staff about last year when the blog was first mentioned.


Howdy Comrades!

I can't resist attempting to make a snarky comment.  My love for Capital Metro would be greatly increased if Metro staff would provide important information about their plans for the stimulus money we want since the President just signed the Economic Recovery Act.  These funds are a kind of valentine from the Feds with a great deal of potential for improving Metro Access, Metro Bus and Metro Rail.  The information should be available to all citizens, including those who are blind. Yes, I want the information in Braille.  After all, we recently celebrated the 200th birthday of Louis Braille, and Title II of the ADA requires it; not to mention the mediation agreement with Metro Access plaintiffs.  Moreover, the information on this website should fully comply with Section 508 of the Rehab Act, as amended.  It hasn't happened yet, and there's no excuse to justify this lack of compliance.  Peace and long life!


Chairman Mal

Power to the Peeps!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Big WindsBlow Our Minds

Howdy Comrades!

Earlier tonight,  wind at speeds of nearly sixty MPH blew through Austin and disturbed our dogs, not to mention old Chairman Mal.  Our German Shepard, Beau, was absolutely terrified and sought my protection, although he is not my Seing Eye dog.  I hugged and comforted him as best I could, but he would not rest until the winds subsided.  My own pet dog, Godiva, seemed to take things more in stride, although she stuck her head under my bed with only her butt and tail visible.  We also heard some brief hale, but I doubt we sustained any damage.  Radio reports indicated there were at least three deaths in Oklahoma tonight, perhaps more. 

Did anyone else experience something similar last night with their own critters?  I am convinced both of our dogs sensed real danger was a possibility.  I fear this storm is merely a hint of what may ensue this spring.


Chairman Mal

Power to the Peeps!