Suggestions for New Features for the Artificial Retina
Howdy Comrades!
A ghastly experience has caused me to consider a new feature for the recently approved artificial retina, an improvement that could make the 150 thousand dollar price tag far more attractive. Yesterday, I had difficulty locating my backyard raised bed garden. My alternative technique for locating it proved untenable because the water hose snagged on some old wood someone stored nearby the faucet. I might have resolved this glitch except that in wandering around the yard, I stepped in a pile of steaming dog shit. What if researchers could add an early warning shit detector to the artificial retina? For me, this would be a Godsend! I'm sure this could be mounted on the tip of a cane or pattern recognition software within the onboard camera might be adjusted to detect skat. For those poor souls living up North, it could also double as an ice sensor. I hope one of our tech experts out there can work out how to add these features. It would beat being able to match black, grey and white socks hands down!
Chairman Mal
Power to the Peeps!