Monday, August 28, 2006

Thyme Flies!

Howdy Comrades! As the previous post demonstrates, time is a route dependent quantity.  I posted the same article both before and after the NFB convention in Dallas last month.  Only God or Einstein knows how this happened!  Since Convention, much of my time has been devoted to reading with my KNFB Reader, a quite expensive but revolutionary device for blind people.  I felt it was important that I purchase the KNFB Reader for two reasons.  First, I want to encourage further development of this important technology.  It doesn’t do everything I want it to do right now, but future iterations of the product probably will.  I hope that selling 33 reading machines (the number purchased at Convention) will encourage NFB and Kursweil to continued developing portable text to speech readers.  The second reason I purchased it is quite simple: My RP is worsening and making it increasingly problematic for me to use a CCTV, even supposedly the best one on the market.  No, the KNFB Reader can’t do everything I used to do with my Closed Circuit TV system, but I use it to complement the electronic magnifier.  It does take practice to get the best results from the KNFB Reader, but it is a very valuable tool in my high tech tool belt for dealing with blindness.  This technology will certainly feature prominently in my imaginary world ruled by the blind.  I have said enough for today, and time is getting away from me.  Here we go again!    Actually, I must check Blind confidential to see if BC needs more political correction.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Disparate Measures

Malist Principle # 1. Join the group that has achieved hegemony and devote all of your energy to support it.

The scientists in my world line have identified the national Federation of the Blind as the only hegemonic entity that can achieve true equality for blind people during the next 100 years. Other groups exist but have a nugatory effect on your world line. Consequently, it is imperative that all blind people join the NFB in order to have any hope of achieving true equality and defeating the Chemmie threat awaiting you on the moons of Snedon. Using our quantum computers and Sound Wave technology, I have determined that your best hope is to attend the upcoming convention of the NFB in Dallas Texas in July. I strongly suggest that you find your way to the Hilton Anitol Hotel by any means necessary. The best way to travel to this convention is by Lincoln Town Car. Make certain your vehicle has adequate air-conditioning because ambient temperatures in Texas will approach 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Moreover, you will need to bring high caliber weapons if you plan to leave the hotel. After all, it is Texas! If you lack training in firearms, you must bring a TASAR or similar nonlethal devices for your protection. Additional information from my time-line will be forthcoming. I must close this communiqué in order to consult with my Armed forces to counter the latest Chemmie onslaught. Beware the dangers lurking on the edge of the Oort Cloud! Power to the Peeps! Chairman Mal