Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Texas Needs Revolution!

Howdy Comrades!

We need a revolution like the one just occurring in Egypt right here in Texas.  Travis County is largely an oasis of Democrats surrounded by crazed Republicans.  Our Governor, Rick "Pompom" Perry, recently sent his agency heads to testify at budget hearings held by the overwhelmingly Republican Legislature.   These agency big shots were ordered to be good soldiers and accept billions in budget cuts to programs benefiting the aged, sick and disabled.  Take Vocational Rehabilitation for instance.  The budget for the Blind Children's program will be cut by 1.5 million bucks, half the current budget.  As many of you know, Voc Rehab funds are matched by federal funding in basically a 20 to eighty percent match.  Well, our so-called compassionate conservatives want to cut two million from Rehab funding.  They don't seem to care that this means the Federal Government will cut eight million in matching grants.  Consequently, VR could be slashed by ten million.  Rick Perry's hand-picked agency heads merely state that they will cut the fat and improve efficiency.  Comrades, I could birth a bovine!  How stupid can these people get?  By the way, Texas has many billions of dollars in a rainy day fund which the governor won't touch.  If this budget passes, Rick Perry believes he's got a chance with Tea Party Republicans backing him all the way to the Whitehouse.  Americans aren't that stupid.  This is merely the former aggie cheerleader having delusions of grandeur!


Chairman Mal

Power to the Peeps!


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