Cap Metro in Federal Court
Cap Metro in Federal Court!
. . . And the axe man cometh!
Howdy Comrades!
Much as happened recently with the blind community here in
His document contains a response concerning the proposed cuts in the taxi voucher program. I want everyone who is unfamiliar with this program to understand what Cap Metro is attempting to do.
Note that Capital Metro refused to pay me the cost of materials to emboss the documents concerning proposed changes to our paratransit system. I could easily have produced hundreds of these documents, for they are necessary. But again, Metro is not interested in the visually impaired having equal access, despite the fact that not all of us have access to a computer with adaptive software.
My name is Pat Bartel. I am an Sts rider who has produced the following information with the help of other Sts passengers who are also suffering because Capital Metro has once again tried to implement policies without approval. As the first step, they refused to seek approval from the Access Advisory committee and did not consult the Capital Metro board.
Capital Metro Continues to Mislead and Lie to Taxpayers.
The Biggest Lie: Cutting taxi vouchers will save money and lower cost. In actuality, limiting taxi voucher use will cost more.
Consider the following: If taxi vouchers are reduced by 75 percent, costs for Cap Metro will rise from an estimated $26.9 million to $29.3 million, Metro will lose over $2.4 million. However, if the number of taxi vouchers is doubled, the annual cost savings for Capital Metro would be over $3 million. This is a fact that Capital Metro staff, especially those who are opposed to the taxi voucher program, have failed to reveal. They allege that Sts riders caused past fraud, when, in reality, this abuse proved to be the actions of several cab drivers. It is typical of Capital Metro to cover their mistakes by misrepresenting the facts.
Capital Metro states that the complex and unapproved changes, which would cause undue physical and emotional hardship on its riders as well as restricting independence, that are open for discussion will save only $1.4 million.
In order to fulfill its promise to drastically cut costs, Capital Metro plans to implement a tactic called Functional Assessments, (they soften it by labeling this as an In-Person Interview), starting in 2009. However, Capital Metro has failed to inform Sts riders who their contractor is; they have failed to outline actual costs for this service as well as any costs for the appeals process when passengers are improperly kicked off the system; they failed to seek the approval of the Access Advisory committee for this contractor; and they have provided no details on the medical expertise of this contractor. Yet, they expect both Fred Butler and the Texas Citizen Fund to write a meaningful report for the Cap Metro Board on this issue. Clearly, the facts as well as the figures are being manipulated and an accurate picture is blatantly being withheld.
This current data misrepresentation and disinformation is reminiscent to what MV Transportation, Inc., a company which obtains contracts nationwide to provide paratransit services, engaged in at the Riverside California Transit agency in 2005. MV Transportation, whose apparent philosophy is to provide paratransit service only to a minimalist degree, is the same company where current STS director, Inez Evans, worked as vice president of operations for a year and a half.
Furthermore, an issue which seemingly relates to the current attitude of Capital Metro staff, who insist upon the implementation of unapproved policies as merely "procedural changes", may be the fact, (as reported by the Washington Post), that in 2006, Inez Evans resigned from MV Transportation, as the general manager for Metro Access in Washington, D.C. Of great importance is the fact that until the Metro Access board listened to input from an advisory group similar to the Access Advisory Committee for Cap Metro, MV Transportation was unable to facilitate a smooth transition from Logisticare, the prior paratransit contractor, whose transgressions caused class action lawsuits as well as congressional investigations.
Finally, one must also ask the question: Why has Nancy Crowther, the proclaimed
It is time to stand up to Capital Metro. Stand up for your rights. Ask that the Access Advisory Committee be granted the power that it deserves, to act as a watch dog over Cap MetrostSts; after all, we have oversight committees in Congress to keep a president from becoming a dictator. Do not accept any more lies. Ask questions and demand detailed information. Demand accountability and accept nothing but the truth.
There's more to follow, comrades. Eventually, we hope to fully elucidate this entire story on my web site,, now under construction. Stay tuned folks!
Chairman Mal
Power to the Peeps!
Note: I did not spell check Comrade Pat's screed because I want to show how rushed everyone has been in responding to the perfidious bastards at Cap Metro.
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