Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Blind Panthers Endorse Ron Paul


For Immediate Release:  Blind Panthers Endorse Dr. Ron Paul for Republican Nomination

Attention Comrades!

Following two suspicious deaths and one suicide, the Central Committee of the Austin Chapter of the Blind Panthar Party has voted unanimously to endorse Dr. Ron Paul for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States.  Our Dear Leader, Chairman Mal, declared after the vote that “Dr. Paul is the only candidate who can extricate us from the war with Iran which is scheduled by the Pork chop Butt faction of the Bush Administration to begin in the summer of 2008.”  In addition, Chairman Mal praised Dr. Paul’s stand on abolition of Federal drug laws, a position that will help blind people who need to use medical marijuana.  “My eyes hurt,” he stated, “and the Feds have no cause to hassle me for trying to get some relief.”

The BPP/ATC also wants to make the following points in favor of Dr. Paul:

1.      Dr. Paul is a Texan who can restore the image of the Lone Star State destroyed by the Bush Administration.

2.      Most of Dr. Paul’s supporters are really good with computers and could help blind people get better Access Technology.

3.      As a physician, Dr. Paul can cut the budget of the Whitehouse staff by assuming some of the duties of the Executive Medical Staff.

4.      Dr. Paul believes in real money, gold and silver and that will solve our economic problems.

Therefore, all blind people are hereby ordered to cast their votes for Dr. Ron Paul in the New Hampshire primary and thereafter.  For more information please contact Drew L Spitz, Director of Very Public Affairs, BPP/ATC


After Word:  There is absolutely no truth to the vicious rumor that Chairman Mal stole a hoard of Gold Ron Paul dollars to hide in his basement.  Chairman Mal’s house does not have a basement.


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