Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cap Metro Power Play Part Two

Cap Metro Power Play Part Two

Howdy Comrades!

As predicted in my post last December, Cap Metro officials are apparently seeking to limit the power or intimidate the Access Advisory Committee again.  Under the guise of “determining future strategies for STS,” the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Access Committee have been summoned to a confab with the powers that be at the agency.  Two disabled citizens pitted against at least five Cap Metro officials.  These officials include a rep from the legal department, the Assistant Director of Cap Metro, Director of Para-Transit, and Gina Estrada, Metro Board Liaison and the ubiquitous Nancy Crowther, our so-called ADDA / Accessibility expert and general factotum.  Do I smell just a whiff of a possible gang bang in the works here?  Metro is probably devoting 250 man hours to this rather vaguely defined meeting according to one estimate by an expert source, who happens to be both a gentleman and a statesman.

The question arises, what is Cap Metro really up to by calling this high caliber meeting?  Moreover, if the meeting is so important, why weren’t members of the major consumer group in the blind community, the Austin Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind, invited to attend these important deliberations?  Moreover, if the point of the meeting is to explore the future of the Special Transit Service and accessible transportation in our community, why has Metro lawyered up?  NFB boasts two excellent lawyers as members of our local chapter, and I’m sure we could get one or both of them to attend as well.  After all, that’s only fair, right? 

Well, comrades, I’m not sure if this meeting will actually happen.  Clearly, the disability community here in Austin will not stand for the Access Committee’s role being diminished, and we will continue to speak truth to power; the Cap Metro Board.  If staff thinks this latest gambit will scare our Access Chair, Ms. Judy Watford, they simply don’t know her or her supporters.  Ms. Watford has been speaking truth to political leaders here in Austin since the late 1970’s.  She will not be cowed or shocked and awed into submission.  What’s more, she has the backing of the Access Committee.  Comrades, stay tuned and prepare to man the barricades when called!


Chairman Mal

Power to the Peeps!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention Comrades!
Further research has revealed that Chairman Mal had a few facts wrong in his post, but I have the correct information concerning those who have been invited to the meeting he expounded upon in his article. Attendees invited are:

Judy Watford, Access Chair

Diane Bomar, Access vice Chair

Dwight Ferrel, Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer

Andrea Lofye, Chief of Staff

Inez Evans, Director of Paratransit

Kerri Davidson, Legal and the ADA/Accessible Transportation Specialist. He is correct in asserting that no NFB member has been invited at this point. Respectfully submitted, Drew L Spitz, Director of Very Public Affairs, ATC/BPP

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope my work vouchers will not be taken away. I could lose my job and go back to assisted living. rf

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! I have a question which must be answered. Aren't there at least a few in the NFB who oppose paratransit themselves? Or has that been resolved? Just curious. I seem to hear never-ending horror stories about paratransit. I used it several years back and didn't think it was very good myself. This isn't to say that I oppose the concept of ADA paratransit, but why can't somebody just fix it for good?

9:42 AM  

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