Monday, January 29, 2007

Outer Space and Inner Darkness

January 29, 2007
Howdy Comrades!
I’ve continued to post comments in support of the incarcerated blind China activist, Chen Guang- Cheng.  You should know that I am not totally hostile to China, but I have grave concerns about this particular case and fear for Chen Guang- Cheng’s safety in jail.  Please take a few moments to write our ambassador and to the PRC delegation to the United Nations.  If it shortens his jail time by even a day, it is well worth your effort.  Here’s my latest comment on the Free Chen Guang- Cheng
Howdy from Texas!
I have contacted both Chinese and United States diplomats asking only that our blind brother, Chen Guang- Cheng be given his freedom.  My previous comment was very angry because I was upset to learn that torture was a threat to this brave gentleman.  There is much to admire about China.  For instance, I marvel at China’s recent accomplishments in the exploration of space.  I think it is quite possible that China will send men safely to the moon within the next fifteen years.  This brings up a question in my mind.  How can a country so advanced technologically be so backwards as to imprison a harmless blind man who only saw injustice and attempted to stop it?
Regards, Chairman Mal: Power to the peeps!


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